San Joaquin River Restoration Program

The San Joaquin River Restoration Program (SJRRP) is a comprehensive long-term effort to restore flows to the San Joaquin River from Friant Dam to the confluence of the Merced River and restore a self-sustaining Chinook salmon fishery in the river while reducing or avoiding adverse water supply impacts from restoration flows.

Fisheries Restoration

Recent Updates

Field Activity Advisory San Joaquin River Spring-Run Chinook Salmon Monitoring Study: February 15 – June 30, 2016 (6/30/2016)

Salmon Conservation and Research Facility Water Supply and Infrastructure Project (March 2016)

Water Supply and Infrastructure

Upcoming Meetings

Water Management Technical Feedback Meeting, September 16, 2016 in Visalia

Recent Updates

Weekly Groundwater Report (8/13/2016)

2016 Restoration Allocation & Default Flow Schedule (7/7/2016)

Flows released from Friant Dam were decreased to 800 cfs for the Exchange Contractors (7/29/2016)

Restoration Flows were stopped at Friant Dam (7/28/2016)

Porterville Irrigation District In-Lieu Groundwater Recharge Project (6/2016)

Channel Capacity and Flood Protection

Recent Updates

Seepage and Conveyance Technical Feedback Group Minutes (3/31/2016)

Reclamation Releases Final Environmental Documents for San Joaquin River Restoration Program’s Eastside Bypass Conveyance Project (2/5/2016)


Upcoming Meetings

San Joaquin River Restoration Program Science Meeting, August 17-19, 2016

Recent Updates

San Joaquin River Restoration Program Long-term Recapture and Recirculation (5/2016)